
Mobile App Insights to Step You Ahead of Your Competition

by Iryn Ureta | Mar 26, 2018 | 2 comments

Are you a business owner of a medium-sized to large enterprise? Has it ever crossed your mind to invest in a mobile app for your business? The digital era is upon us, and the demand for going mobile is growing. To stay ahead of your competition, you need to let go of traditional business practices and embrace modern technology. 

Today, mobile apps are the ideal platform to reach your customers. The average conversion rate on a smartphone is up 64% compared to average desktop conversion rates (socPub). Almost everything has gone mobile now and everyone loves the idea of getting things done on the go.  In fact, according to OuterBox, “80% of shoppers used a mobile phone inside of a physical store to either look up product reviews, compare prices or find alternative store locations,” and “62% of smartphone users have made a purchase online using their mobile device in the last 6 months.” 

If 80% of your customers are in your shop comparing prices or looking up product information or reviews, why wouldn’t you take advantage of this by providing them with your very own branded app?  Through Bluetooth technology, you could specifically market to customers in your shop, offer on-the-spot discounts, track consumer movement, as well as provide them with extra product information and reviews. 

Business owners don’t just invest in mobile app development to gain a competitive advantage – they do it because both customers and staff want it (perhaps even expect it). How much better or more efficient would your business run if you eliminated all paperwork for example?  Imagine the relief of your team not needing to manually complete paper timesheets, or job costings any longer.  And consider the return on investment to then be able to invoice your customer more quickly and accurately because the paperwork hasn’t gone missing. 

Digitally Inclined

No one can deny the fact that the world is now digitally inclined. If you own a shop, why would you not consider your own branded app for your business?  “68% of consumer believe that coupons build brand awareness…and generate loyalty” and consumers are “50% more likely to visit a store if they have [a coupon]” states Invesp.  Think of it as a great marketing tool to build and promote your products and services. Apps provide convenience to consumers, more personalised marketing opportunities for your business, and an increased propensity for consumers to buy from you if you notify and update them about new products or add-on services, deals, latest offers or other offerings that could interest them.  

Furthermore, being ‘social’ makes it easier for your customers to give their instant feedback, provide reviews and suggestions. 

Having your own company mobile app is a great way to build brand awareness and customer loyalty. Needless to say, if you want to stay ahead of your competitors, it’s a must for your business. The Mobile Apps Man are experts in mobile app development and can get you on the way with a great app for your business

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