
Campbelltown Council – the Centre of Excellence (CoE)
Holographic Walkthrough

The CoE project is a building design that uses HoleLens, a mixed reality headset, to immerse the users in the space and let them experience it as if they were there. By wearing the headset, users can interact with holographic elements, navigate through the virtual environment, and gain a realistic sense of the scale, layout, and functionality of the building before it is constructed

HoloLens enables you to explore building design in remarkable depth, from a miniature prototype to a full-size simulation and all the intermediate stages

By using voice commands, you can seamlessly manipulate the building model. Adjust its orientation, size, and position in any dimension, empowering you to shape your virtual realm and bring your ideas to fruition

Campbelltown City Council Experience

The experiential element would provide a much truer representative of the design rather than the plan which could be misinterpreted. It also would allow the community to feel included in the decision making process

Understanding building projections, crossed rooms within the building and possible conflicts as well as CPTED assessment of secondary entrance to facility was much greater with the augmented reality immersion

The human scale approach and understanding elevations is much greater than a model would provide

Empowering Collaboration and Innovation

With HoloLens, you can create, view and collaborate on your building designs in 3D, interact with them in real time, and share them with your teams, clients and partners. HoloLens and mixed reality empower you to design more effectively, innovatively and impressively

Two women and one man looking at a 3D holographic building.

Unparalleled Precision: See Every Detail, Every Angle

HoloLens provides a unique perspective on elevations, allowing for more accurate comprehension of the building’s dimensions and human-scale approach, surpassing traditional modeling methods

Comprehensive Understanding of Scale, Design Elements, and Aesthetics

Experience a holistic view of the building, allowing users to assess and appreciate the interplay of scale, design elements, and aesthetic qualities, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing final outcome

For  council staff and key stakeholders… absolutely the augmented reality would make consultation within this group much more productive. In relation to community feedback, an interactive video that takes you to certain areas of the building and walks you through would give them greater understanding, given the scale of residents that we could be consulting with

Bring your innovative ideas to life with HoloLens and mixed reality technology

Embrace the power of HoloLens for your business and unlock a new era of productivity, collaboration, and innovation. Increase your team’s efficiency by visualising data in three dimensions, enabling faster decision-making and enhanced problem-solving.

From designing complex architectural structures to revolutionising product prototyping, the device provides a powerful platform for transforming your imagination into reality

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