
Introducing the MyChurch App

"This easy-to-use app is a wonderful addition to our Parish as we strive to continue to reach more and more people with the Gospel Message of Salvation of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, using modern technologies."
Father Christopher G. Sarkis
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish

Completely Customisable

MyChurch App can be completely customised depending on your church’s needs. Have you own images and colour scheme added, to make sure your new app reflects your parish. 

Donation Details

Instantly connect your parishioners to your donation details. The MyChurch App makes finding these details easy for your community, increasing the likely hood of donations for your Parish. 

Location and Contact Details

Through your app, parishioners will have access to all the details they need to find your church at the tip of their fingers. They can easily get real-time directions.

With a few taps of their fingers Parishioners have your email address. phone number, and any other points of contact you want to include at the tips of their fingers. 

Mass Registration

MyChurch’s mass registration lets you know the exact number of parishioners attending your mass. this allows you to plan your service ahead of time. 

This was an especially useful feature doing COVID-19 lockdowns, and is useful to have in the case of potential future lockdowns. 

Timetables and Event Reminders

Have your church’s timetable and events added into a personalised timetable. This keeps your parishioners up to date with the latest schedules and reminders. 

Bulletin Board

Update your parishioners with the latest news from your church. Post important updates for your community that they will receive immediately. 


The gallery links all your photos from your website in on easy-to-access place. This feature will link to your websites photo gallery, allowing your parishioners to view them through the app. 

Begin Your MyChurch App Journey With Us Today

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