
TECO: MAXe3 High Efficiency App



The TECO MAXe3 High Efficiency app was designed to answer the most commonly asked technical questions pertaining to the TECO’s flagship MAXe3 and AFJE product ranges up to 450kW. 

The app has many features which helps users determine the best motor or drive for them, and what TECO products are similar & better than competitors’ products. 


The TECO MAXe3 App Finds the Right Product for Customers.

The App's Motor Selector Function Lets You Pick Your Desired Specs and Shows You TECO's Options.

View Real 3D and 2D Drawings of TECO Products.

The Energy Saving Calculator Tells You How Much You Save Annually and Over Your Products Lifetime.

Troubleshooting Guides help you trouble shoot your machines issues.

Available To Download On iPhone & Android

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