

What Can HoloLens Do?

Three HoloLens-wearing doctors are looking at a coronal brain hologram.


Holographic renderings of objects make training processes far more effective. Users are able to interact with holographic scenarios, where they can look, respond, and explore as if they were real situations. 

A HoloLens-wearing technician communicating with his co-worker through Skype, while drawing virtual arrows on the machines.

Communication & Collaboration

Communication and collaboration is made easy using the HoloLens. Employees and remote professionals are able to easily collaborate in a holographic space where they are all able to interact with the same objects, as if they were in-person. 

Three employees inside a factory are looking at 3D reports through HoloLens headset.

Data Overlay

With the HoloLens ability to overlay data, your team can gain a clearer understanding of the project at hand. Remain hands-free while all the relevant data you need is displayed in front of your eyes.

Two women and one man looking at a 3D holographic building.

3D Modelling

The HoloLens 3D Modelling capabilities means that you can visualise and interact with your models as if they were already built. Interact with your product, or walk through your building before you have to front any of the costs; see issues before they’re revealed in the building process. 

Explore the possibilities of Mixed Reality solutions for your industry.

 We are an official partner of Microsoft and an authorised reseller of HoloLens device.

Transforming Industries, One Headset at a Time

Smart glasses with improved visual capabilities, guidance and assistance for operations, data exchange, and informed decisions all in real-time – is how we simply define “HoloLens”.

It has become an essential asset in the productivity and growth of a business.

Today, we’re already beginning to see potential transformation as this powerful product evolves.

A student and professor using HoloLens to show a weather hologram in a class.

In education, HoloLens fosters a new system of learning for students. Educators can use augmented reality to enhance teaching and enable students to understand topics comprehensively.

An Air Force officer navigating a hologram.

With tight security, the device ensures modern processes for organisations such as police forces that need advanced technologies to complete their best work.

A doctor showing his fellow practitioners a hologram of a head through a HoloLens.

HoloLens is transforming the healthcare industry through the provision of vital content for medical procedures using 3D insights.

HoloLens Features

Hand Tracking

It has an intuitive capacity to track your hand movements. Hence, gestures such as grasping and moving the holographic displays feel seamless. You can interact with the holograms as if they were real objects and part of your environment.


No matter how occupied your hands are with other tasks, you can still navigate and operate the device thanks to its built-in voice command feature.

Eye Tracking

The eye-tracking technology of this MR headset is on a new level of human understanding. Its sensors can measure your eye movements and understand where you are looking. As a result, it automatically adjusts the holographic displays that you want to interact with in real-time to your eyes.

Wearing Comfort

The headset is lightweight and has a universal fit that can be adjusted to fit any head shape and size. It is even user-friendly for people wearing glasses, as it fits over eyeglasses. 


It features an 8-megapixel still camera, 1080p30 video that you can use to capture images and videos that you can save and share in real-time with anyone using Microsoft file sharing applications.


Deployed with Windows Hello for Business, HoloLens 2 uses iris biometric recognition, and it is the first Microsoft device to include an iris scanner. This kind of authentication gets you to work quickly and securely. Its continuous release of new features and security updates provides additional security and an optimal user experience.

For more technical details of HoloLens 2, visit Microsoft’s site.

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