
Increase Your Business’s Productivity With Apps

by Mathew Politansky | Feb 4, 2021 | BlogsMobile App Development

Apps hold the ability to increase your business’s productivity. Whether they’re custom in-house applications or widely available collaborative apps, it is clear that they are changing the ways businesses function. The right app is able to make your day-to-day tasks less of a headache; making your life easier!

Each app has its own unique benefits, and choosing what kind of app will best improve your business’s productivity depends on your needs.

Custom Mobile Apps

custom-built mobile app for your business will increase productivity much more than a generic one available to the public will. Custom apps are built with your businesses’ needs in mind. Creating an app for your business is not the cheapest, and is ultimately an investment. However, the increase in productivity proves to be worth the money. There are many benefits custom mobile apps have for your business, these include but are not limited to:

  • Increase Employee Engagement: When given modern tools to do their jobs, employees generally become much more engaged. Evidence suggests that employees who are more engaged are 21% more productive and 22% more profitable than their unengaged counterparts. Easy to use apps increase your employee’s usage of them, allowing them to get jobs done faster.
  • Connection of Data: Custom mobile apps centralise the suite of business programs you have running. Usually, these consist of different programs for each department of your business (i.e, HR and accounting). A custom-built app, however, includes every program an employee could need in one place. This makes it easier and faster for employees to work, while also improving communication.
  • Reduce errors: Through the use of apps, errors are less likely. When automated systems are set up human error decreases. This makes your life easier in the long run as there is no need to go back and fix errors made by staff. Increasing your productivity and allowing your business to constantly move forward, without having to worry about silly errors.
  • Eliminate Mundane Tasks: An app that is made custom for your business is able to eliminate some of the mundane tasks in your workplace, allowing employees to focus on the things that matter more. Apps that are set up to automate reporting, timesheets, data storage, etc., hold the ability to make your employees’ workload less mundane, allowing them to think more creatively about solving problems and innovating your company. It stops your employee from repeating the same time-consuming tasks over and over again. A custom app allows your business to effortlessly store, and collate data, meaning your employee only has to look at one source to do their job, instead of flicking between multiple.
  • Reduces the Paper Trail: By storing and managing all your data, a custom app reduces your business’s paper trail. Everything can be stored neatly in one system, and the need for filing cabinets and huge stacks of paperwork vanishes! Not only does that help the environment, it means finding previous records, and other important documents are much easier for you.

Custom-built business apps are the best way to increase efficiency throughout your workplace. A well-made business app improves your communication, reduces the number of files you have laying around the office, reduces errors, eliminates mundane tasks, and stores your data in one easy to manage place.

Use of Collaborative Business Apps

If you aren’t quite ready to commit to building your own custom business app, there are many collaborative business apps you can purchase and implement. Many of these applications are made for project management and teamwork. So, if you are looking for something to streamline your business’s data, and solve specific problems, it would be best to consider developing an app. However, if you want an easy, already developed space for you to manage a team, then these apps can help!

  • Asana: Asana is a collaborative project management app centred on seeing your teams plans, tracking progress, and discussing your work all in one easy to navigate place! You are able to assign priorities, stay on track, and hit your deadlines.
  • Proven: Proven is an app that is designed to help you hire new employees. It posts your jobs to all of the top job portals and allows you to track candidates all in one place. Manage and review your job advertisements all in one easy to access app. You can also contact candidates, and schedule interviews from your own phone!
  • Salesforce: Salesforce is a customer relations management (CRM) application, which stores your customer’s information in a database. The platform helps your marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams work as one from anywhere.
  • Trello: Trello makes teamwork easy and increases its productivity! Trello uses boards, lists, and cards in order to enable teams to prioritise correctly, but still, have fun while doing it. Trello also allows your employees to remain flexible in how they get their work done, syncing updates across all devices.
  • Todoist: Todoist is an organisational app that allows you to clear your head of all the important things you have to do, and puts them into an easy-to-follow to-do list. It allows you to get a clear overview of the tasks at hand, making sure you never lose track of an important task.

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