
How Microsoft’s HoloLens Increases Productivity

by Mathew Politansky | Feb 18, 2021 | Hololensmixed reality | 0 comments

The HoloLens increases productivity for businesses in which it is used in.

Microsoft’s HoloLens is an innovative mixed reality headset. It places holograms in the real world that the wearer can interact with. The headset has proved to be of interest to industries that are seeking to revolutionise their companies. The headsets’ capabilities have been creatively tailored to fit a variety of industries. These include medical, engineering, construction, education, and many more. The mixed reality headset has also changed the way in which professionals communicate to each other. The immersive experience allows users to communicate problems in their environment easier. These HoloLens innovations have increased businesses productivity industry-wide.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams was first launched as a regular chat-based collaboration product. Teams was already promoted to boost productivity and improve teamwork. It incorporates online project management tools, while also allowing for instant messaging much like Skype. Teams already facilitated improved productivity, but when paired with the HoloLens it takes business productivity to the next level!

Through the use of the HoloLens and Microsoft Teams, users are able to share views of their surroundings so co-workers can communicate from remote locations about real-time problems. This capability eliminates a team’s need to be on-site to solve problems. It boosts productivity and allows for a much faster solution.

Using teams also allows you to have a more physical presence in virtual meetings. You’re able to have an avatar of yourself appear in front of the person you’re talking to, making online meetings more personal.

Using Teams and the mixed reality headset in combination allows professionals the ability to give advice faster. An engineer can get help with maintenance from multiple co-workers, and a builder can have a conversation about any real-time issues with the designs.

Dynamics 365

Similar to Microsoft Teams, Dynamics 365 allows teams to work together, and communicate easier. This means the HoloLens boosts your team’s productivity once again. Dynamics 365 solves problems in real-time. Much like Teams, you can share your real-time view with remote experts, allowing you to get the help you need while remaining hands-free.

This means your company can avoid unnecessary travel expenses, leading to a reduction in costs and delays. Your remote communication means your team will be able to combine videos, screenshots, and annotations on your HoloLens device.

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management allows you to also capture photos and videos of assets in order to track their condition over time and view any relevant data.

Case Studies

The following case studies show how companies who have implemented the use of the HoloLens in their day-to-day operations have seen a dramatic increase in productivity. Get to know how they did it, and get inspired to innovate your own business with the HoloLens!


The major aerospace technology company Airbus teamed up with Microsoft in order to use the HoloLens 2 and mixed reality services to increase their productivity. The company already has estimates on how much they expect their productivity to increase from using the products.

Airbus expects to reduce their design validation time by 80%, while also cutting the time it takes to complete complex tasks by 30%.

The use of the HoloLens within Airbus means that employees are able to train within an immersive environment, with no need for an actual aircraft or any parts. The holograms which the HoloLens shows the employees offers features that cannot be achieved through real-life training. Airbus designers are also able to test their designs virtually before they are manufactured, speeding up the process, and decreasing the time spent on designs by 80%.  The HoloLens 2 also allows employees who work on the production line to access important information, while keeping their hands free to work.

            Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin is another aerospace leader that is seeing an increase in productivity due to the HoloLens. The use of the mixed reality headset on their Orion project allows them to produce spacecraft at a lower cost, with higher quality, in less time. The HoloLens allows technicians to see work instructions in front of them, keeping them hands-free, and placing design content within their environment.

The HoloLens lead the company to significant reductions in touch labour. HoloLens allowed the company to take an 8-hour activity, and reduce it to 45 minutes. Lockheed Martin has also had no documented errors when building Orion, since the use of the HoloLens in their company.

            NOX Innovations

The BIM modeling service NOX Innovations has started to use the HoloLens within their company. The use of the mixed reality headset has helped the company bridge the gap between construction and design. Before the fabrication process, designs are overlaid in order to make sure there are no errors.

NOX has seen a 21% increase in productivity since implementing the use of the HoloLens within their company. They have also seen a 14% reduction in fabrication errors and an 84% increase in change over approvals.


The HoloLens is ultimately a powerful tool that can help any business increase its’ productivity. Whether it is making off-site communication easier, or changing the way your industry works. When the HoloLens is introduced to a business it always leads to an increase in productivity!

It is important to get the right software developer with mixed reality experience for the HoloLens to be successful in your business. But once it is implemented the risk will be outweighed by the benefit of increased productivity. Plus, your company will be leading the industry, by using the newest technology available.

Make sure you learn more about how the HoloLens has already started to change Australian businesses. Make sure your company doesn’t get left behind!

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