
Microsoft Mesh: What You Need To Know

by Mathew Politansky | Mar 18, 2021 | BlogsHololensmixed reality | 0 comments

Two weeks ago, at Microsoft’s virtual Ignite event, CEO Satya Nadella, and Technical Fellow Alex Kipman, introduced the world to Microsoft Mesh.

Microsoft has been a major player in bringing mixed reality technology to the forefront of industries. Their creation of HoloLens launched the idea, allowing people to see holograms placed within their natural environment.

Microsoft Mesh takes mixed reality one step further and allows for a shared collaborative experience between remote participants. It enables users to interact in a shared holographic world.

Microsoft Mesh

Microsoft Mesh allows users in different spaces to interact with each other through their virtual avatars. However, Microsoft has stated that these avatars are only temporary, and one day wants to be able to offer ‘holoportation’ services. This would allow users to appear as themselves in the shared virtual space.

The program is initially being launched as a means to ease collaboration between remotely located co-workers. Microsoft has stated that they intend to also integrate Mesh with both their ‘Teams’ collaboration app and ‘Dynamics 365’. Microsoft is also encouraging developers to start creating new applications that utilise Mesh’s capabilities. Any developers who are interested in developing Mesh apps can sign up in order to receive updates about the new software.

This is Microsoft’s first step into revolutionising their HoloLens technology. Alex Kipman mentioned that Mesh is the dream Microsoft had all along for mixed reality.

“This has been the dream for mixed reality, the idea from the very beginning. You can actually feel like you’re in the same place with someone sharing content or you can teleport from different mixed reality devices and be present with people even when you’re not physically together.” Said Kipman

Mesh allows the user to interact with others in a way that seems much more natural. It creates a true presence for the individual.

“For example, I can join a birthday celebration with my extended family in India, interacting as if we were physically together without any screens between us. Or I can meet my colleagues on the other side of the world–collaborating as though we were in the same room–again, with no screen mediating our interactions,” Nadella said. “It’s pretty mind-boggling to imagine, but this is the future we are building.”

Although developed by Microsoft, the Mesh platform will not only be available to the HoloLens. Mesh will be used on many other VR headsets, smartphones, tablets, and on PC. The most notable device mesh will be compatible with is the HP Reverb.

Microsoft Mesh and Gaming

Whilst Microsoft’s main focus was on how Mesh can change industries, the possibilities of Mesh in gaming were brought up. During the Ignite event, a proof of the concept was shown. This demo used Pokemon GO and showed the audience that Mesh allows the user to interact with the game, throwing their own Pokèballs and feeding your own Pokèmon. Although this demonstration does not foreshadow any future product and was just purely a demonstration.


Mesh is a glimpse into the future of technology. It is an immersive and mesmerising experience that has the capability to change the future of the natural world, and technology.

Mesh is an exciting concept, and further into its release, we are sure there will be many ways in which it has changed industries. Mesh makes professional and personal communication much easier, and meaningful.

Keep an eye out for more information about Microsoft mesh, once more is released!

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